Today was a tough day.  I am tired.  I don’t want to workout.  Not even our quick empowered entrepreneur workouts.  I know I must.  I am struggling to keep motivated.  I need to move around and get the blood pumping.

Lesson to all.  We really should just jump up early in the day and get the workout out of the way.

Far too often do I screw up my own advice.

Today was one of those days.

I went to bed late after watching USA lose to Czechoslovakia in hockey at the PyeongChang 2018 Olympics.

Then I woke up early to record Team Canada defeat Finland.  I got sucked into watching that and Women’s pairs bobsled.  We got a bronze people.  AWESOME!

Then got to work with some blog posts, heavy content writing, joined 2 webinars and HOLY CRAP!  It’s almost 1pm.  I have 15 minutes to workout, shower and get on a webinar.  Not gonna happen.

Here is the workout I forced into the few minutes I had as I left I still had to shower.

25x Push-ups
25x Split squats left leg
25x Split squats right leg
25x Cobra Raises
Plank ALAP

There you have it.  My go-to exercises to get some blood pumping and engage the muscles to do something.

Sometimes you just need to have an easy go-to plan so when all chaos takes hold of your life you have something you can fall back on and get stuff done.