This one is for lovers!

Well not really, but if you do it enough it will give you abs of steel, tighten your midsection and make you more attractive to your significant other or future spouse.

Fat Burning Power Sequence.  Work through this in order.
Brisk Walk 5 minutes
10x Air Squats
REST 60 seconds
Sprint 30 meters
Walk back
Plank 30 seconds
Sprint 30 meters
Walk back
Plank 30 seconds
Sprint 30 meters
Walk back
Plank 30 seconds
REST 3 minutes

Sexy Core Sequence.  Repeat this sequence 3x nonstop.
10x Cobra Raise
10x Bird Dog
10x Dead Bug
10x Hip Thrusters
(repeat 3x total)

Once complete, just walk it off.  Find someone to share this workout with.  Use the share buttons on the side.  Thanks.