OK.  This one is a special one to me.  Clearly, I have done more than 44 workouts in my life, so that is not it.  However, I am turning 44 this year.  I feel great.  Fit, active and actively helping many entrepreneurs and startups grow their businesses.

I help businesses grow.  I evaluate their business models, sometimes I invest, other times I invest sweat equity, sometimes if there is not a fit, I just share some ideas and recommend a few things to try, then come back in the future or simply introduce them to someone that can help them.

All of them ask me “How the heck do you have so much energy?”.

The answer is easy.  I live with a young attitude and stay fit with simple easy to follow daily micro workouts.

I don’t do any workout longer than 30 minutes anymore.  90% of my workouts are under 15 minutes.

Here’s that special 44 workout in my 44th year on this WOD 44.

44x Kettlebell Swings (9kgs)
44x Kettlebell Goblet Squat (9kgs)
44x Kettlebell Shoulder Press (9kgs)
44x Burpees

That’s it.  Just get it done.  44 reps, 4 times.

Stay healthy my friend.  Keep moving.  Keep hustling.  Out hustle your competition every day.

Have an empowered day.