This one started a bit early and I don’t expect you to do the same.  You see I coach kids rep hockey in Burlington.  GO BULLDOGS #bulldogs

So we were up at 4:30am for a quick stretch, coffee, get going routine, followed by 90 minutes on ice.  This was the same for Workout of the Day 37 as we had an early morning skate.

Before you ask… YES, I Do sweat like a beast at practice.  I am a hands on coach that believes in leading by example.  It’s also part of the LEARN-DO-TEACH strategy.  My legs and lungs are burning the first 30 minutes of practice.

Then the workout of the day happens.


25x Cobra Raises
25x Bird Dogs (alternating = 50 total bird dogs)
25x Dead Bugs (alternating = 50 total dead bugs)
25x Bridge Raises
25x Push Ups
25x Pull Ups
25x Split Squats (alternating = 50 total)

Keep it fluid and moving.  Nothing comes easy.  But you can get it done quick with maximum effectiveness.

Later in the day I will take a 25-30 minute meditation using the Calm App.