Hey entrepreneurs, startup stars and hustlers.  You really got to want it.  You have to want it so bad, you are willing to get at it, no matter what it takes.

That means getting up early, getting at things, and making things happen before anyone else even knows your up.  Certainly before your competitors.


I was on the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps.  A black beret, tanker.  I loved the feeling of knowing we did more by 9am then most people did in a full day.

When I left, I got serious into bodybuilding.  I’d work to 1-2-3 in the morning at the clubs.  Grab a bite with some friends, sleep and hit the gym by 6-7am.  Sure I’d have an afternoon nap between jobs.  But the point is, you have to get to work.

If you want to change something in your life, you need to change something in your life.

Here’s the Workout of the Day… the Empowered WOD.

25x kettlebell around the world’s right (24kgs)

25x kettlebell around the world’s right (24kgs)

25x kettlebell swings (12kgs)

25x kettlebell single leg deadlift left leg (12kgs)

25x kettlebell single leg deadlift right leg (12kgs)

25x split squats on bench left leg

25x split squats on bench right leg

25x push ups

25x TRX angled pull ups

That’s it.  Nothing special, no time, had to hit it hard and get it done.  There you go.  Now it’s your turn.

What else are you doing to beat the competition?  Think about it.  Make it happen.