A condensed report to expedite your understanding and sales execution for Empowered Sales.

In this report, we will be discussing a variety of topics related to sales, including effective sales techniques and strategies, 4P’s, 4C’s and the 3A’s of sales, the ASK Method, and Selling Through Curiosity. We will explore the importance of understanding the needs and preferences of the target market, offering a high-quality product or service, and using effective marketing and sales techniques to increase awareness and interest in a business’s offerings. 

Empowered Sales Strategies and Concepts for Success - empoweredentrepreneur.ca

We will also discuss the importance of building relationships with customers, providing excellent customer service, and gathering and analyzing customer feedback to inform future sales efforts. 

Finally, we will look at the importance of using a variety of strategies and techniques to increase the likelihood of closing a sale, and the need to continually assess and adjust sales approaches based on the needs and preferences of the target market and the overall goals of the business.

What are Sales?

Sales is the process of persuading a potential customer to purchase a product or service. It involves identifying the customer’s needs and matching them with the features and benefits of the product or service being offered.

Sales can take place in a variety of settings, including retail stores, online marketplaces, and over the phone. The goal of sales is to generate revenue for a business by selling products or services to customers.

Sales professionals, also known as salespeople or sales reps, use a variety of techniques to persuade potential customers to buy. These techniques can include demonstrating the product or service, highlighting its benefits, and answering any questions or concerns the customer may have.

Effective salespeople are able to build relationships with customers and tailor their sales pitch to the specific needs and interests of each individual. They must also be able to handle objections and negotiate terms in order to close the sale.

In addition to traditional sales roles, there are also a number of sales-related jobs, such as sales managers, who oversee a team of salespeople, and sales analysts, who gather and analyze data on sales trends and customer behavior.

The importance of sales in the business world cannot be overstated. Without sales, businesses would have no way to generate revenue and would not be able to sustain themselves. Sales is therefore a vital function in any organization, and those who excel in this field can enjoy lucrative and rewarding careers.

What are some of the best ways to increase sales?

There are several strategies that businesses can use to increase sales:

  1. Understand your target market: It is important to identify the specific needs and wants of your target market and tailor your products or services accordingly. This can help increase the appeal of your offerings and make it more likely that potential customers will make a purchase.
  2. Offer a high-quality product or service: Customers are more likely to make a purchase if they perceive the product or service as being high quality and providing value. This can involve investing in research and development to continually improve your offerings, as well as providing excellent customer service to address any concerns or issues that may arise.
  3. Use effective marketing and sales techniques: Marketing and sales techniques, such as advertising, social media marketing, and email marketing, can help increase awareness and interest in your products or services. It is important to use techniques that are effective and align with the needs and preferences of your target market.
  4. Offer incentives or promotions: Offering incentives, such as discounts or free shipping, can encourage potential customers to make a purchase. These promotions can be time-limited or ongoing, depending on the goals of the business.
  5. Continuously gather and analyze customer feedback: Gathering and analyzing customer feedback can help businesses understand what is and is not working in terms of their products or services. This can help identify areas for improvement and inform future marketing and sales efforts.

By implementing these strategies, businesses can increase their sales and drive revenue growth. It is important to continually assess and adjust these strategies based on the needs and preferences of the target market and the overall business goals.

What are some of the best ways to close a sale?

Closing a sale, also known as closing the deal or closing the sale, refers to the final step in the sales process, where the salesperson persuades the customer to make a purchase. Here are some strategies that can be effective in closing a sale:

  1. Summarize the benefits of the product or service: Recap the key benefits of the product or service and how it can address the customer’s needs and wants. This can help reinforce the value of the offering and encourage the customer to make a purchase.
  2. Address objections or concerns: Customers may have objections or concerns about making a purchase. It is important to listen to these concerns and address them directly, either by providing additional information or by offering a solution to the problem.
  3. Offer a sense of urgency: Creating a sense of urgency can encourage customers to make a purchase sooner rather than later. This can involve using limited-time promotions or highlighting the benefits of making a purchase sooner rather than later.
  4. Ask for the sale: Asking for the sale can be intimidating, but it is an important step in the sales process. It is important to ask for the sale in a confident and respectful manner, and to be prepared to handle any objections or concerns that may arise.
  5. Follow up: Following up with customers after the sale can help build a relationship and encourage repeat business. This can involve providing excellent customer service, addressing any issues or concerns that may arise, and keeping in touch with the customer through newsletters or other communication channels.

By implementing these strategies, salespeople can effectively close the sale and drive revenue for their organization. It is important to continually assess and adjust these strategies based on the needs and preferences of the customer and the overall goals of the business.

4 P’s of Sales “Marketing Mix” (what motivates you)

The 4 P’s of sales, also known as the marketing mix, are a set of tools used by businesses to effectively market and sell their products or services. These four elements, which stand for product, price, promotion, and place, are designed to help businesses create a cohesive and effective sales strategy.

  1. Product: The product is the tangible or intangible item that a business is selling to its customers. It can be a physical product, such as a car or a smartphone, or a service, such as consulting or home cleaning. The product should meet the needs and wants of the target market, and should be different enough from competitors to stand out in the market.
  2. Price: Price is the amount of money that a customer must pay to purchase the product or service. It is important for businesses to carefully consider their pricing strategy, as the price of a product can greatly impact its appeal to potential customers. Companies must consider the cost of production, competition, and the value that the product or service offers to the customer when determining the price.
  3. Promotion: Promotion refers to the various methods that businesses use to advertise and market their products or services to potential customers. This can include advertising through traditional media, such as television and print, or through digital channels, such as social media and email marketing. The goal of promotion is to create awareness and interest in the product or service among potential customers.
  4. Place: Place, also known as distribution, refers to the channels through which a product or service is made available to customers. This can include retail stores, online marketplaces, or through a direct sales force. The chosen distribution channels should be convenient and accessible for the target market in order to maximize sales.

By considering all four P’s of the marketing mix, businesses can create a cohesive and effective sales strategy that is tailored to their target market and meets the needs of their customers.

The 4 C’s of Sales “Customer Driven Marketing Mix” (what motivates them) 

The 4 C’s of sales, also known as the customer-driven marketing mix, are a set of tools used by businesses to effectively market and sell their products or services to customers. These four elements, which stand for customer solution, cost, convenience, and communication, are designed to help businesses create a customer-centered sales approach.

  1. Customer solution: The customer solution is the value that a product or service provides to the customer. It addresses the customer’s needs and wants and provides a solution to their problems or challenges. By focusing on the customer solution, businesses can better understand the value that their product or service offers and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly.
  2. Cost: Cost refers to the financial investment that a customer must make in order to purchase a product or service. It is important for businesses to carefully consider the cost of their product or service in relation to the value it provides to the customer. By offering a high-value solution at a competitive price, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors and increase the appeal of their product or service.
  3. Convenience: Convenience refers to the ease with which a customer can access and purchase a product or service. This can include the availability of the product or service, the location of retail stores or distribution channels, and the methods of payment accepted. By offering a convenient purchasing experience, businesses can increase the likelihood that customers will choose their product or service.
  4. Communication: Communication refers to the various methods that businesses use to interact with and engage customers. This can include advertising, customer service, and social media interactions. By effectively communicating with customers and addressing their needs and concerns, businesses can build trust and strengthen relationships with their target market.

By considering all four C’s of the customer-driven marketing mix, businesses can create a customer-centered sales approach that addresses the needs and wants of their target market and provides value to their customers.

3 A’s of Sales 

The 3 A’s of sales refer to three key components that are essential for successful sales: attitude, attention, and action.

  1. Attitude: A positive attitude is crucial in sales, as it helps salespeople build relationships with customers and overcome challenges and objections. A positive attitude can also help salespeople stay motivated and focused, even when faced with setbacks or rejection. Salespeople who maintain a positive attitude are more likely to inspire confidence in customers and build trust, which can be crucial in the sales process.
  2. Attention: Paying attention to customers is vital in sales, as it allows salespeople to understand their needs and tailor their sales pitch accordingly. This can include actively listening to customers, asking questions, and demonstrating interest in their needs and concerns. By paying attention to customers, salespeople can build rapport and establish themselves as a trusted resource for information and guidance.
  3. Action: Taking action is crucial in sales, as it involves following through on commitments, meeting deadlines, and taking the necessary steps to close the sale. This can include following up with customers, negotiating terms, and addressing any objections or concerns that may arise. By taking action, salespeople can demonstrate their commitment to meeting the needs of their customers and build credibility and trust.

By focusing on the 3 A’s of sales, salespeople can develop the skills and mindset necessary to be successful in their roles. This includes building positive relationships with customers, paying attention to their needs and concerns, and taking the necessary actions to close the sale. By adopting this approach, salespeople can set themselves up for success and help drive revenue for their organization.

Of course, we can keep going on this but let’s not get caught tripping over every little nuance.  The intent of this is to get from where you are currently in sales understanding to exceptional execution as fast as possible.  Something I like to refer to as EMPOWERED SALES.

Understanding some of the more modern and effective techniques in sales from sales leaders actually still in the trenches… no make that the WAR is important.  Let’s look at a few of my favourites that I use daily.

Curious Sales Methodologies 

These are just two of the methodologies, strategies and systems we teach and implement for our clients.  Of course these are the shorter empowered summaries, book a discovery call to learn more and implement these sales strategies with your teams.  Book a free discovery call https://bit.ly/empowereddiscoverycall 



The ASK Method is a sales technique that involves asking a series of questions to gather information and understand the needs and wants of a potential customer. The acronym ASK stands for Attention, Story, and Knowledge.

  1. Attention: The attention step involves asking questions to capture the attention of the potential customer and build rapport. This can include questions about their interests, goals, or challenges, and is designed to engage the customer and create a sense of connection.
  2. Story: The story step involves using storytelling to illustrate how the product or service can address the needs and wants of the potential customer. This can involve sharing success stories or case studies that demonstrate the benefits of the product or service.
  3. Knowledge: The knowledge step involves asking questions to gather information about the potential customer’s needs and wants, and to identify any objections or concerns they may have. This information can then be used to tailor the sales pitch and address any issues that may be holding the customer back from making a purchase.

The ASK Method is designed to be a more customer-centered approach to sales, as it focuses on understanding the needs and wants of the potential customer and tailoring the sales pitch accordingly. By using this method, salespeople can build trust and credibility with potential customers and increase the likelihood of making a sale.

The ASK Method is a customer-centered approach to sales that helps salespeople understand the needs and wants of potential customers and tailor their sales pitch accordingly. By using this method, salespeople can build trust, establish credibility, and increase the likelihood of making a sale. By adopting this approach, businesses can create a more personalized and effective sales process that helps drive revenue growth.

Selling Through Curiosity

Selling through curiosity involves using questions and other techniques to engage potential customers and encourage them to learn more about a product or service. By fostering curiosity and engaging customers in a dialogue, salespeople can build trust, establish credibility, and increase the likelihood of making a sale.

One effective way to sell through curiosity is to ask open-ended questions that encourage potential customers to share their needs, wants, and concerns. By actively listening to customers and demonstrating an interest in their needs and goals, salespeople can build rapport and establish themselves as a trusted resource.

Another way to sell through curiosity is to share information about the product or service that is designed to pique the interest of potential customers. This can include highlighting unique features or benefits that are not offered by competitors, or sharing success stories or case studies that demonstrate the value of the product or service.

In addition to using questions and information sharing to sell through curiosity, salespeople can also use storytelling to engage potential customers and illustrate how the product or service can address their needs and wants. By using storytelling to paint a picture of how the product or service can benefit the customer, salespeople can help potential customers visualize the value it provides and make it easier for them to understand how it can meet their needs.

Overall, selling through curiosity involves engaging potential customers in a dialogue, sharing information that is designed to pique their interest, and using storytelling to illustrate the value of the product or service. By adopting this approach, salespeople can build trust, establish credibility, and increase the likelihood of making a sale.

What is the greatest sales technique in history?

I get that question a lot.

Honestly, the answer will surprise you, it is not what you think.  Oddly, we are human, we want to cut to the chase, that is why that question comes up all the time.  The answer… all of them… none of them.  Let’s get into it.

It is difficult to pinpoint a single “greatest” sales technique in history, as different techniques may be more or less effective depending on the specific needs and preferences of the target market, the product or service being sold, and the overall goals of the business.

That being said, some sales techniques that have been effective for many businesses over the years include:

  1. Building relationships with customers: By building strong relationships with customers, salespeople can establish trust and credibility, which can be crucial in the sales process. This can involve actively listening to customers, addressing their concerns, and demonstrating a genuine interest in their needs and goals.
  2. Highlighting the benefits of the product or service: By demonstrating the value that a product or service can provide to customers, salespeople can increase the appeal of their offering and make it more likely that potential customers will make a purchase. This can involve using storytelling, case studies, or other techniques to illustrate the benefits of the product or service.
  3. Asking questions to understand the needs and wants of potential customers: By asking questions and actively listening to potential customers, salespeople can gather information about their needs and wants and tailor their sales pitch accordingly. This can help increase the relevance and appeal of the product or service to the customer and increase the likelihood of making a sale.
  4. Providing excellent customer service: Providing excellent customer service can help build trust and establish credibility with potential customers. This can involve addressing any concerns or issues that may arise in a timely and effective manner, and going above and beyond to meet the needs of customers.

Overall, the “greatest” sales technique will depend on the specific needs and goals of the business and the target market. By adopting a variety of effective sales techniques and continually assessing and adjusting their approach based on customer feedback, salespeople can increase their chances of success.

“The answer… the one that works for you.  Your authentic self. Be AUTHENTIC!  Be EMPOWERED!”
– Patrick McGuire, EmpoweredEntrepreneur.ca 

The Top 5 Sales Techniques in History

Effective sales strategies can help businesses increase revenue and drive growth. Here are five strategies that can be particularly effective for businesses:

  1. Understand your target market: It is important to identify the specific needs and wants of your target market and tailor your products or services accordingly. This can help increase the appeal of your offerings and make it more likely that potential customers will make a purchase.
  2. Offer a high-quality product or service: Customers are more likely to make a purchase if they perceive the product or service as being high quality and providing value. This can involve investing in research and development to continually improve your offerings, as well as providing excellent customer service to address any concerns or issues that may arise.
  3. Use effective marketing and sales techniques: Marketing and sales techniques, such as advertising, social media marketing, and email marketing, can help increase awareness and interest in your products or services. It is important to use techniques that are effective and align with the needs and preferences of your target market.
  4. Offer incentives or promotions: Offering incentives, such as discounts or free shipping, can encourage potential customers to make a purchase. These promotions can be time-limited or ongoing, depending on the goals of the business.
  5. Continuously gather and analyze customer feedback: Gathering and analyzing customer feedback can help businesses understand what is and is not working in terms of their products or services. This can help identify areas for improvement and inform future marketing and sales efforts.

By implementing these strategies, businesses can increase their sales and drive revenue growth. It is important to continually assess and adjust these strategies based on the needs and preferences of the target market and the overall business goals.

The Best Sales Closing Statement Ever

There is no one “best” statement to close a sale, as the specific wording will depend on the needs and preferences of the potential customer and the specific product or service being sold. That being said, here are a few examples of statements that can be effective in closing a sale:

  1. “Based on what you’ve told me, I believe our product/service is the best fit for your needs. Are you ready to make a purchase today?”
  2. “I’m confident that our product/service will help you achieve your goals. Are you ready to take the next step and make a purchase?”
  3. “I understand if you need to think about it, but I want to let you know that this offer is only available for a limited time. If you’re interested, I’d recommend making a decision soon.”
  4. “I understand if you have any concerns, but based on our conversation, I believe our product/service is the best solution for your needs. Is there anything else I can do to help you make a decision?”
  5. “I understand that making a purchase is a big decision, but I believe our product/service will provide significant value for you. Are you ready to move forward and make a purchase today?”

It is important to customize the closing statement to the specific needs and concerns of the potential customer and the product or service being sold. By using a confident and respectful tone and addressing any objections or concerns that may arise, salespeople can increase the likelihood of closing the sale.

In this, we covered a variety of topics related to sales, including the 3 A’s of sales (attitude, attention, and action), the ASK Method, selling through curiosity, and effective sales techniques and strategies. We also discussed the importance of understanding the needs and preferences of the target market, offering a high-quality product or service, and using effective marketing and sales techniques to increase awareness and interest in a business’s offerings. Additionally, we covered the importance of building relationships with customers, providing excellent customer service, and gathering and analyzing customer feedback to inform future sales efforts. Finally, we discussed the importance of using a variety of strategies and techniques to increase the likelihood of closing a sale, and the need to continually assess and adjust sales approaches based on the needs and preferences of the target market and the overall goals of the business.

Want to learn how to close more sales, more often, for more money without negotiating?  Join my free training webinar, where we uncover the 7 Secrets to Closing More Deals Faster for More Money.

Empowered Sales Secrets Free Training