FREE REPORT:  How To Experience Explosive Growth With Powerful Customer Success Stories And Lead Generation Campaigns Using Human Powered Ai Solutions To Optimize And Automate Your Business Growth.


Each of the links in this document will take you to the actual google drive doc so you can learn and swipe my content about each of the topics. 
  1. Create and leverage powerful Customer Success Stories and testimonials.
  2. Create 10X More Long Form Content then your competition.
  3. Create 10X More Social Media Content and post 2-3x per day on every platform, be omnipresent.
  4. Create 1000’s Of Industry and Vertical Qualified Leads Every Month.
  5. Create Viral Video Campaigns To Drive 1000’s Of Leads To You, using strategic landing pages, videos, sales letters, email and messaging sequences, and ad campaigns every month, keep them fresh and constantly create more.

I guarantee my solution will deliver you 100’s and 1000’s of qualified leads every month. – Patrick

I know what you are thinking.  “WOW!  That’s a lot of work and a lot of assets”.  You’re right and that is just the high level single sentence overview.  These don’t even get into the nuances of each bullet.  Just know there is a lot more to uncover, learn and execute.  Don’t worry, I am going to show you how you can get that all done for you.  You won’t need to learn anything at all, unless you want to.

If you do want to learn it all and bring it in house, I will follow a simple proven system to help you LEARN > DO > TEACH.

  • LEARN: Work alongside our team to learn the in’s and outs of my proven 5 step social media marketing and sales converting lead generation system.
  • DO: Work with us.  We work alongside you to ensure you grow at a pace you want, and take on each task as you are ready.  Our team will oversee your execution, results and success.
  • TEACH: We will give you the template to teach others on your team to manage each of the 5 Proven Steps to Generating 1000’s of leads every month.

The most challenging part of building your business, after coming up with the idea, is lead generation.  

Lead generation requires so many moving parts, from social media accounts to websites, landing pages, squeeze pages, funnels, email campaigns, content creation… literally hundreds and thousands of content pieces are required, videos, social media assets, images and the super powerful converting micro clips, customer testimonials, drip campaigns, lead qualifications, social media scheduling and management, complete omni channel marketing, and when that is all in place you can’t forget about advertising campaigns to drive the traffic to your assets.

Leads are the lifeblood of sales.  



…And if you are too busy to execute everything, well that is where my team comes in.  We leverage our Proven 5 Step Process for Powerful Campaigns that Generate 1000’s of Marketing Qualified Leads Completely Done-For-You and Manage the Campaigns and Funnels that Work.

I am going to get right to the point and give you the Proven 5 Step Process to Experience Explosive Growth, so you can do it yourself or engage me and my team to do this for you.  Don’t worry, you don’t have to do everything to experience explosive growth, you can grow into the full multi-stacked-omnipresent social media lead generation system when you are ready.   Let’s get results.  But first here’s the framework I want you to legally steal.

Here is My Proven 5 Step Process to Generate 1000’s of Leads That Convert.

  1. Customer Success Stories – 10X these immediately
  2. Content Creation – Create 10X more content then your competition
  3. 10X Social Media Marketing – Create 100’s of social media assets and descriptions and post 2-3x daily.  Post to every platform, engage in one.
  4. 10X Marketing Qualified Leads – 1000’s of warm, hand raising inbound leads monthly
  5. Omnichannel Viral Video Marketing Campaigns – Organic and Ad Campaigns

There you have it.  That is the framework for extremely powerful marketing campaigns that convert unknown prospects to warm inbound leads to increase your sales.  Execute them on your own or ask me to do it for you.  The choice is yours.  The difference is I will deliver results in 30 days. Probably faster than you can learn and organize your thoughts in just one of these framework areas, let alone become a master, train your teams and implement these strategies.  This works for every industry;

  • B2B
  • B2C
  • eCom
  • Offline / Online
  • Services
  • Digital / Physical Products

And in every business, including; 

  • Lawyers
  • Doctors
  • Professional Services
  • ERP software
  • SaaS
  • Authirs
  • Marketing Agencies
  • Automotive
  • Sports
  • Technology
  • Construction
  • and more…

Honestly, this 5 step proven strategy works in every business and every industry, no matter what you offer.  If you provide a good product, with integrity and ethics, and it works, this is the exact formula for you.

The biggest problem is KNOWLEDGE. How do you learn all of these things and implement them effectively?  

The second problem is time to create, implement, test, refine and still find time to build the business and close more sales.

Third is management, and here it is both time and execution.

To sum those up, your absolute #1 problem is TIME!

  • Time to learn
  • Time to do
  • Time to refine
  • Time to create more
  • Time to manage
  • Time to teach your team
  • Time wasted not closing deals 

What if I told you, TIME is no longer your problem.  

What if I had a team that could solve your TIME problem and execute the 5 proven steps to generating 1000’s of leads monthly for you.  

What if it was Done-For-You?

What if you had a team that would do the work for you, teach you how to do it and help you to teach your team to take it over for you?

This is exactly what I am telling you.

Below you will find the exact process and how you can legally steal my proven 5 step process for generating 1000’s of leads monthly.

If you find it overwhelming, let me know.  My team will implement everything for you as a complete synergistic system or in bite sized pieces step by step until you are ready to take it over.

If you don’t want to spend another second of your time thinking about it, reading this long document or watching the video, then book a discovery call with me and I will personally help you. 


You can click on these or just book a discovery call with me to create a strategic plan for explosive growth… or do exactly what you are doing now to generate leads.

  1. I need case studies, success stories and viral videos immediately
  2. SEO rich content.  Tell me how to 10X content this month
  3. Social Media… Show me how to automate and 10X social media
  4. I don’t have enough leads to make quota… tell me how I can 10X leads
  5. What’s a viral video campaign?  Pretty sure we need one for even more leads, tell me about Viral Video Campaigns that work

Click one of those links to learn more, or skip the whole process and jump to the front of the line for a customized marketing strategy with me (it’s free).


OK, so let’s break down each of the 5 Proven Steps To Generating 1000’s Of Leads Every Month.  Click one and learn more or just book a discovery call with me to get a custom tailored plan.

Thank you for taking control of your lead generation.  Knowledge is power and knowing when to do it yourself and when to get it done-for-you is when you reach Jedi Master enlightenment.


Let’s talk about your strategy.  

Book a strategy session today. Get more leads tomorrow.