What can I say? It’s Olympics time in Pyeong Chang, South Korea and I find it hard to think of anything but sports performance. I struggle to pull my eyes away from the TV. Once the Olympics are on, it’s all over. I lose a huge chunk of time. In fact, its like a time warp hits me and hours can slip by with nothing done. No workout, no blog posts, no videos, no new product development, no funnel work, nothing.

The Olympics to me are a huge time suck.

Don’t get me wrong they are fantastic to watch. Great for countries to do battle without guns. Incredible for all athletes and sports. Most importantly they are fantastic to watch.

However, they suck all my time. This year is a problem as they are not only on the other side of the world, but they are on the opposite side of the globe. I am watching it early in the morning and late at night and working like a madman during the day on a few of my own projects and a few projects for clients creating marketing and sales plans and funnels.

So enough Olympic bashing. Now to tell you what I really love about the Olympics.

  • They inspire me to do more and be better.
  • The Olympics deliver innovation and showcase it at the highest level.
  • Olympic Games push the limits of athletic development and excellence.

Everyone should work like they are aiming for the Olympics. Aim high. Shoot for the gold. Don’t settle for anything less, but accept the silver or bronze graciously. In fact, every project, everything you do or touch should be treated as if you were going for the gold.

Consider the incredible advances an athlete makes in the last 4-6 weeks leading up to the Olympics. Skiers compete all winter and the winners of the last contest or cup delivered world records. Then they come to the Olympics just a few weeks later and smash their previous Personal Best, World and Olympic Records.

Think about that. How is that possible?
They were at their best. Then they were at their very best a few weeks later.

It was the personal desire to be the best. More importantly, often overlooked and under-appreciated PRESSURE.

Those that embrace the pressure will excel. Those that do not will crumble and sometimes crash.

Even when you crash, you can rise. It is what you do and what drives you that defines your character.

It is your drive and your character that allows you to be the best. Being the best over and over again is what builds your character and more importantly in business your reputation.

Deliver a great product and continue to innovate and enhance and you will quickly build a strong reputation as a person, a product, and company of excellence.

If you do crumble and crash, you have an opportunity to reinvent yourself, your product or company. So this is not about how Olympics drive excellence and inspiration. This is more about how you can be inspired to never quit.

One thing we don’t often hear but seem to be hearing more of this year with the Pyeong Chang 2018 Winter Olympics is the struggles, the pains and the stories of failure. Hand it to the marketing gurus out there for taking this angle. Thank you.

We see amazing comeback stories that we don’t often hear. We see their broken bones hospital bedside point of view. We learn of their concussions and collapsed lungs. Even near death experiences.

This is all about making them more human. This way when they rise to the challenge, embrace the pressure and step on top of the podium there are in fact even more human than before. They seem almost superhuman and for some reaching hero status.

This is an amazing accomplishment for marketing and for the testament of the human will.

This human willpower is your superpower!  Embrace it.

When you are working on your next project your next client engagement or product development, give it your all. Reach for the gold. Never quit. Embrace the pressure. Innovate and inspire others around you.

Why do you think rapid innovation is often part of a project plan and within that project plan they call them “Sprints”. They are short, self-induced deadlines to add pressure and force the best to come out in weeks, not months and years.

Sprints are full of power and speed.

Almost every sport in the Olympics has some sort of sprint. There really are only a few sports that don’t have an actual sprint element. However, they have that high pressure, speed, and explosive power element. Your business should have those same elements. You should have those same characteristics.

  1. When it comes to products always create and Innovate.
  2. Produce products and projects that are gold medal quality.
  3. Focus on personal, product and company excellence.

Personally as an entrepreneur and business leader you want to embrace the characteristics of an Olympic Athlete.

  • Passion
  • Perseverance
  • Determination

Never quit.

Reinvent yourself if you ever crumble or crash.

Pick yourself up and finish what you started.

Push your limits.

Accomplish what was once thought impossible and lead the way for the next generation.

You think Elon Musk would have built Tesla, Space X, Solar City or the other 20+ projects he operates at any given moment if he quit just because his lemonade stand failed or he was told it wouldn’t work and there is no funding for him. No way. Be like Elon Musk. Be like an Olympic Athlete.




In the end, whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability. Produce lots. Over produce (especially quality content). Deliver excellence. Never quit and be better than your competition.

I have lots to say about success. Lots more to say about failures (of my own). Most of all I can say one thing is true about myself and every successful entrepreneur. You need to strive to be the best, but no matter what, in order to be the best, you must out hustle everybody!

I have lots to say about #HUSTLE check out my other videos and blog posts. Whatever you do, don’t spend too much time listening, watching or reading I do not want you to end up in a “time suck”. and blame me for it. Just get out there, deliver excellence and HUSTLE!