How do you know whether podcasting is right for you? That is the question that many people ask when deciding if they want to start their own podcast. Podcasts are great because they can be listened to on demand, and offer a more intimate experience than any other type of media. They also allow anyone with an idea for a show or topic to get in front of listeners all over the world! This guide will answer some common questions about how to podcast, including how to come up with an idea, where to find your audience, and what equipment you will need before starting out.

Podcasting is becoming more and more popular, with many people starting their own podcast for everything from cooking to comedy. Many of them do it as a hobby or side project, but some are able to monetize the show by selling products related to what they talk about on air. If you have an idea for your own unique topic that you want to share with the world, podcasting might be right for you!

This guide will take you through the basics of how to start a podcast, and will include everything from picking an idea for your show to finding people who want to listen. If you’re thinking about starting up your own podcasting operation, this is the place to get started!

In order to start a podcast, you will need some basic equipment. This includes a microphone, software to record your show, and somewhere to host your files. You can find a more comprehensive list of what you need in our article on how to start a podcast.

Once you have all of the essential equipment, it’s time to start recording! In the following tutorials, we will go over how to use each piece of gear and give you some tips on how to get started with your show.

How to Start a Podcast: From Idea to Launch to Lifetime Success

Do you want to start your own podcast but don’t know how? Or maybe you’re considering starting your own podcast and need some help figuring out whether or not it’s the right move for you. 

No matter what stage of podcasting you’re at, we’ve got set of tutorials and resources that will get anyone started on the right track.

Tips to Remember When Starting a Successful Podcast

Podcasting is a relatively new medium for content distribution and consumption.

Anyone can start their own podcast with the help of technology these days!

There are many benefits to starting your own podcast, such as branding yourself or growing an audience around a specific topic that you’re passionate about.

Before we get into the nitty gritty of starting your own podcast, there are a few things you should ask yourself to determine if podcasting is right for you.

5 questions to ask yourself before you start a podcast

  1. What are my goals?
  2. Do I want to create an income with this podcast?
  3. How much time can I put in per week or month?
  4. Who is my target audience and how many people fit in that category (i.e., 5,000)
  5. Will this podcast be long form or short form episodes?

Once you’ve answered those questions and decided that podcasting is the right move for you, it’s time to start planning! This includes coming up with a topic, finding guests or co-hosts, and getting your equipment and software ready to go.

Launching a podcast can be a lot of work, but it’s definitely worth it in the end! Make sure you’re prepared for the journey by setting goals and tracking your progress along the way.

Finally, we’ll give you some tips on how to keep your podcast going strong for years to come. Podcasting is a great way to build an audience and share your knowledge or stories with the world, so don’t hesitate to get started!

Looking for more tips on how to start a successful podcast? Check out our complete guide on How to Start a Podcast! This includes everything from coming up with your podcast idea, to launching it for the first time and maintaining a long-term audience.

What equipment do I need to start my podcast

Before you get started, there are a few things you’re going to need. The three main items you’ll need are

  1. software to record your audio,
  2. the equipment to actually play the audio,
  3. a website to host it.

The first thing you’ll need is some podcasting software. There are many options for this so do some research before making your final decision.

Zencastr is one of my favourites. It is easy and feature rich, including transcription.

The second item needed for podcasting is the equipment to play the podcast on. If you’ve already got an inexpensive pair of headphones then that would work great for now! I personally love my One Odio headphones.

One Odio Pro Adapter Free DJ and Podcasting Headphones

I also like to recommend a great mic. It will improve your quality immediately and make you sound and appear more professional. Here are two that I recommend.

Samson Meteor Mic

Shure SM7B Vocal Dynamic Microphone for Broadcasting

Shure MV7 USB Podcast Microphone

You will also use an app like iTunes, Google Play, Podbean, Soundcloud or Spreaker which will let listeners listen through their phone’s speakers or plug in their headphones.

Finally, if you want to have a website or blog, you’ll need somewhere for your podcast’s URL to live. You can purchase hosting from many places but Squarespace is one of the most popular options since it makes everything pretty simple and easy to manage! Don’t have a website, consider PodBean or SoundCloud to host your podcasts.

There are lots of different ways that people choose how they want their podcasts distributed online.

You can use a website, YouTube, Soundcloud, Stitcher Radio, or iTunes.

Once you’ve got all of your ducks in a row and have created your podcast episode, it’s time to submit it! Be sure to read the submission guidelines for each platform carefully before submitting so that your episode has the best chance of being accepted.

That’s it! You’re now a podcaster! Well, not quite yet. Like we said before, launching a podcast is just the beginning of a long and rewarding journey. But if you’ve followed these steps, you’re well on your way to creating great content and building an audience around it. Congratulations!

Now that you know how to start a podcast, feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you might have. We’d love to hear from you! I’d love to tell your story on our podcast. Apply to be a guest on the Empowered Podcast.

Want some direction on your startup or podcast? Book a discovery call with me today.