Have you heard of Chat Bots?  If you haven’t don’t worry.  You will.

Here’s your chance to get ahead of the competition with Chat Bots.

I will make this a very simple decision.

You have a few options in front of you.

OPTION #1:  Spend the next few months trying to figure out what chat bots are, how they work and hire a developer for $5000 to $25,000 to build you a chat bot.

OPTION #2:  Get a Done-For-You Chat Bot Today and start converting more visitors and sales immediately.

I don’t think we have to discuss this much more.  I know what I would do.  In fact it is exactly what I did.

I got my first chat bot made for one of my apps.  Then I sourced a developer to build out the code for a chat bot for me (that was an expensive mistake).  Finally I got access to chat bot building software.  Now I am ready to do the same for the first 10 who apply.

Now you know I am the kind of entrepreneur who believes in the ILT or ILD methodology.

For those that do now know what that means…

ILT = Invest Learn Teach

ILD = Invest Learn Do / Deploy

Today I am going to ILD (deploy) for the first 10 empowered entrepreneurs our new chat bot technology.

Not only will I personally assess your business, your marketing, but I will provide you with a strategic analysis and chat bot campaign.  In fact, I will build your chat bot for you and manage your campaign with various iterations until we get it just right.




I am only taking on 10 chat bot clients that's it.  No exceptions.  The first 10 applications will get a call from me in the next 72 hours for their very own chat bot strategy.

My goal for you is to Optimize, Automate and Outsource.

With this DONE-FOR-YOU program I will do exactly that for your business.

  • Build and Optimize your chat bot campaign.
  • Automate and enhance the campaign to convert 33%+ click through rates.
  • Outsource the entire job to myself.

I know you are wondering why would I do this, it is an oxymoron to the "Outsource" part of my business model.  Well you are 100% correct.  However I am only providing this service for the first 10 entrepreneur applications using this link.

ONLY 10.  Then It's gone!

I only have enough time on my hands to work with 10 entrepreneurs and start ups to deploy this technology.

Let me be very clear.  I am investing in your success.  I am putting my time into your business.  Here's a recap of what I will be doing for you.

- Application Review (15 minutes)
- Website Review (15 minutes)
- Business Review (30 minutes)
- Social Media Review (30 minutes)
- Marketing Plan Review
- Chat Bot Strategy Session (55 minutes)
- Chat Bot Campaign Strategy (45 minutes)

That is 2 hours 40 minutes of MY TIME that I will personally invest in your business.  If you get nothing out of our conversation, the reviews, the strategy sessions and chat bot strategy, well fine, you invested a total of 60 minutes (5 minutes to complete the online application + 55 minutes on our live strategy call).  You really lose nothing.

However if you LIKE what you hear and love the chat bot strategy session and plan, then you will be one of the 10 empowered entrepreneurs who will the option to deploy the Done-For-You Chat Bots and monthly campaign to optimize your click throughs and automate conversions.


A maximum of TEN empowered chat bots clients will be selected to participate.

What is included in the Empowered Chat Bots program:
- Business Review
- Marketing Plan Review
- Chat Bot Strategy Session
- Chat Bot Campaign Strategy

If you are selected as one of the ten, you will receive the above items at no charge and be presented with an opportunity to have your very own chat bot created for you as well as a complete chat bot campaign and ongoing support to optimize and automate your increased sales.

I personally guarantee the work as I will be assessing your company and chat bot strategy.  I will then deploy your first chat bot and manage your campaign.

- Patrick McGuire, founder, empoweredentrepreneur

Get your Chat Bots built for you. APPLY HERE

That's right, we are building chat bots for our empowered entrepreneurs ONLY.

LIMITED: ONLY 10 Chat Bot Available



I am only taking on 10 chat bot clients that's it.  No exceptions.  The first 10 applications will get a call from me in the next 72 hours.

Complete your online application and I will personally review it, call you to understand your business and provide you with a strategy for your chat bots.  Click Here to Apply

Before you run and google "chat bots" see what other entrepreneurs have to say...

"Holy crap, our click-through rate is 33%+ on these..."

We couldn't believe what we were seeing from our first tests with our chat bots.

On our email list of over 125,000 people, we see click-through rates of only 1% to 6% at most.

Now that we are using Messenger bots, we're seeing click through rates of 33%+.

We started teaching this to some of our loyal students in our private group, and almost overnight they were getting offers of $2,000+ to build other people chat bots!

...Larger companies, like the one I angel invested in called Assist, charge $100,000+ to build bots for bigger corporations.

This is when I knew something had shifted in the internet landscape...

- Andrew Warner, Mixergy founder


The next big shift in internet marketing is here... Chat Bots.


Get your DONE-FOR-YOU Chat Bots built today. APPLY HERE

That's right, we are building chat bots for our empowered entrepreneurs ONLY.

BAD NEWS... Sorry, I am only working with 10 empowered entrepreneurs to deliver their chat bots and ongoing chat bot campaigns.

This is a personal project of mine.  It is something I am passionate about.  Something I think is the future of internet marketing and I have made a few good calls in the past.  Chat Bots are the next wave of internet marketing.  Chat Bots are going to be 4x - 8x bigger then the shift from direct mail to internet marketing.

As I said, I am only working with empowered entrepreneurs and start ups.  I am only working with 10 hand picked clients like you.  The only way to be considered is to APPLY TODAY.




This is something that I learned from a very successful tech savvy entrepreneur, busy guy and father of 2.  Andrew Warner, Mixergy, founder.  Andrew has successfully identified and planned a few tech companies and successful exit strategies.  Andrew is the host of Mixergy podcasts, interviewing successful entrepreneurs and discovering what makes them tick.  The most demand of all entrepreneurs is for internet marketing, increasing conversions and closing more business.

All businesses, need to optimize, automate and outsource to increase success and quality of life.

Andrew has discovered a HUGE opportunity to help entrepreneurs succeed and grow their business.  Chat Bots.

I am here to help you succeed with Chat Bots.

APPLY TODAY and let's get started on your Chat Bot success!

Don't miss this opportunity to grow your business with Chat Bots.

Be empowered.  Be fast.  Only 10 will get chat bots campaigns then I am done.  Apply today!