Yes you read that right, I will build your bot for you.  No courses to take, no tech to learn, just grab on to the future of marketing and hold on to your bot bot.

I can’t express it enough; I am so EXCITED with all the bot building going on!



Bots are everywhere and they are just getting started.  If you missed the email marketing opportunity to make millions, then you are probably kicking yourself.



Bots can be used for so many things…


  • Drip Campaigns – Sequences
  • Broadcasts – One Time Messages
  • Information – Vistor Engagement
  • Lead Generation
  • Pipeline Management and Progression
  • Sales Funnels
  • Increased Sales
  • Customer Support/Service
  • Product Information

…and so much more.

Don’t worry, bots will not replace you, perhaps a few slacker team members (inset wink emoji).  They will however make your job easier and allow you to focus on more important tasks like actually talking with people, strategizing and closing more deals.  There is so much that goes into it all bot development can get a little overwhelming with all the…


  • Bot platform selection
  • Selecting your target audience
  • Building a bot
  • Bot Content Creation
  • Campaign Building
  • Engagement – Broadcasts or Autoposting?  Both?
  • Automation
  • Sequence Strategies
  • Sequence Content
  • Welcome Message
  • Keyword Content Strategy and Replies
  • Default Reply
Then there is the technical side of things with bots;
  • Where to host and engage
  • How to host and engage
  • How to add a bot to your site, page, fb, url or email…
Then there’s incorporating Growth Tools such as;
  • Overlay Widgets – Top Bar, Slide-In, Modal, Page Takeover
  • Embedded Widgets – Buttons, Boxes
  • More – Landing Pages, URL, email links, ad insertions…
How about Facebook integration;
  • Facebook Ads JSON
  • Facebook Comments integration
  • Facebook Messenger Code for easy engagement


Look, building bots is complicated, but it doesn’t have to be.  EmpoweredEntrepreneur provides TWO options to make your marketing automation bots work for you fast.

  1. Empowered Bot Coaching – Learn How to Build a Bot… FAST!
  2. Done-For-you Bot Building and Maintenance

Either way both options come with a free strategy session.  In the session we will cover your needs and wants to build a better bot for you.  Then you can decide if you want to do it yourself or have a bot built for you.


During the session we will discover your;

  • Most pressing need for a bot
  • Site and Product Strategy
  • Bot requirements
  • Bot personality
  • Bot Purpose

…and of course leave it up to you to decide whats best, Bot Coaching or have a Bot Built For You.


Still now sure how bots can help you?  Try a little experiment with me… Click Here to test this empowered bot