1. Book a Podcast
  2. Share the Date
  3. Automate
  4. Promote
  5. Schedule & Share

This may seem more like another post about marketing and sharing, or promoting your recent podcast session. It IS and is NOT.

It IS definitely a promotion and marketing strategy. You spent all that time booking finding the ideal podcast and podcast host to have a conversation with. You did the discovery call, prepped for the session, got the right audio equipment, the ideal room, and spent your personal time recording the session with the podcast host. So why not share all your hard work with everyone.

In fact, I want you to think of it differently than “just” a promotion. I want you to think of NOT sharing as a DISSERVICE…

  • Disservice to your audience for not sharing, something that they are looking for, that can help them.
  • Disservice to the podcast host by not sharing all the hard work they put into producing your podcast.
  • Disservice to yourself for all you’ve put into the podcast session and not sharing your message.

Remember, the best way to promote anything in your business is “SET IT & FORGET IT”. Use automation. use the tools previously mentioned in the Empowered Tips for Using Podcasts to Enhance Marketing .

Once a podcast is produced and released by your podcast host, be sure to visit their page, listen to it from start to finish (it helps your sessions ranking and the podcast hosts ranking as well. Its a way to say THANK YOU. Another way to say thank you is to SUBSCRIBE and SHARE.

In addition to the above steps to share a little love for your host is to create a blog post on your website.

  1. Grab the show link and insert it into your website audio player.
  2. Create a post image for social media sharing.
  3. Be sure to add content to your post, just posting the audio player, won’t help you much.
  4. Share your podcast session with all your social media from your site.
  5. Copy the post link, add it to your automated social media tools.

Finally, don’t just share this once. Share it often. Share it on all social media. Recycle your promotions and share this over and over again, every year, many times, as often as you can. Use the podcast as part of your marketing strategy. Share it with your prospective clients to help share your company vision and story, let them learn about your innovation and discover what makes you a great value for your customers.

Empower your marketing.

Be empowered!

#podcast #marketing #business #sales #experience #team #share #content #entrepreneur #entrepreneurs #collaborate